Alliance québécoise des techniciens et techniciennes de l’image et du son (AQTIS – Québec Alliance of Image and Sound Technicians) is an association that represents professionals coming from more than 132 trades related to the conception, planning, implementation or direction of audiovisual productions.
The first time AQTIS asked for Conceptum’s services was in 2014, to study the possibility and feasibility of a relocation or reorganization of their offices. Indeed, at that time, the group was set up in old premises and had grown without reorganizing their space.
The project was put on hold to allow AQTIS to analyze its needs. In 2016, the project stared over and Conceptum was asked to undertake further studies in several buildings located not too far from their then current location. The goal was to centralize all the teams under the same roof.
Conceptum was involved in every phase of the project. In fact, we assisted AQTIS in the analysis of their needs, in the final selection of the premises, in the concept, during the proposal call period, for the work site management as well as the tender process for the furniture and its installation and, finally, the relocation in October 2017.
AQTIS is a union with a Board of Directors. Since the members pay annual union dues for the services, we chose to opt for a sober but efficient concept that allowed us to properly represent the vision of the association.
In a world where communications are at the centre stage, we wanted to create a workplace that allowed the members to appropriate the space making it their own, and to want to go to their union’s offices. In collaboration with the association, the concept was developed so that every trade related to audiovisual production was portrayed by the installation of wide-format printed films that represented scenes from film sets, costumes and decor creation, or editing room.
Site 1001 De Maisonneuve Blvd East #900, Montreal
Line of business Professional Union for image and sound technicians
Floor usable area 11,500 square feet
Sector Corporate
Interior design
995 St-Jacques Street
Montreal (QC) H3C 1G6
(514) 861-0609
4765 1st Avenue, #110
Quebec (QC) G1H 2T3
(581) 318-3611
Monday to Thursday — 8:30am – 5:30pm
Friday — 8:30am – 12am
Saturday — Closed
Sunday — Closed